Equine Water Treadmill

Water Treadmill

The ECB Aqua treadmill is an effective and modern system providing the latest technology and performance analysis. It allows us to customise training programmes and reach individual results in training and rehabilitation of each horse.

AquAEquestrian - We offer two types of treadmill services

Equine Water Treadmill

Aqua Treadmill - Train with less strain

Available on Monday to Friday.

Water depth, incline and belt speed enable us to maximise the effects of the Aqua Treadmill on the strength and condition of your horse. Horses using the water treadmill build endurance and power, and the treadmill is designed to help horses remain straight during training.

The buoyancy of the water reduces weight-bearing stresses on the lower limbs and the increased resistance created by the water results in increased stride length. This helps build muscle mass, particularly through the horse’s top line and hind quarters.

Equine cold therapy treadmill

Icicle Treadmill

Available by arrangement.

Our icicle treadmill therapy is exactly the same as the Aqua Treadmill sessions, but our chiller unit sets the temperature of the water to between 4 and 6 degrees, which adds a cold water therapy element to the treatment.

The use of cold therapy after strenuous exercise has been proven to increase longevity in working and performance horses. Timing is key, so the quicker the cold therapy is applied to limbs after strenuous exercise, the better it works. Cold water immersion of human athletes has shown significant benefits which we now aim to bring to the equine industry.

AquaEquestrian Stables

Extended residential stays

We can also offer residential livery packages for your horse, either as part of rehab or part of its fitness training. Many of our of our clients are referred by leading veterinarians and surgeons. Your horse will be stabled in our dedicated therapy yard where it will be cared for by our fully trained staff. It will benefit from a tailor-made exercise programme during its stay. Your insurance company may even cover the costs of the treatments and livery. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Benefits of the Aqua Treadmill can include

  • Full body workout
  • Improved stride length
  • Better back mobility
  • Helps build muscle on top line and in hind quarters
  • Less concussion on limbs
  • Resistance training using the buoyancy effects of the water
  • Helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system
  • Flat foot landing surface - paramount for limb rehab after strains
  • Drug free treatment
  • Hydrostatic effect helps reduce limb swellings and oedema

Additional benefits of the cold water Icicle Treadmill can include

  • The application of cold therapy helps reduce core tendon temperatures (heat in the leg) which helps reduce tendon cell death
  • The cold hydrostatic effect helps reduce edema swellings and other lymphatic swellings
  • Reduction in knocks, bruising and sprains
  • Boosts circulation
  • Helps improves workout recovery

The aqua treadmill is a highly effective full body workout and naturally improves respiration and fitness. Training on the water treadmill is proven to enhance endurance, muscle mass and core stability and the incline function allows advanced fitness to be reached with effective uphill training.

Water treadmill as part of fitness training
Training on the water treadmill has been proven to enhance endurance and power. Advanced fitness can be reached with effective uphill training, provided by the incline. Aqua treadmill exercise can also be used to increase strength in horses in work.

Water treadmill as part of rehab
Controlled walking exercise is an integral part of most rehabilitation programmes. This is usually performed in hand or on a horse walker, however some cases may also benefit from exercise on an aqua treadmill. Water depth, incline and belt speed are used to provide a controlled environment for the rehabilitation of spinal conditions or injuries of the extremities. The development of specific muscle groups can be expedited and buoyancy lowers the high pressure acting on the skeleton and tendons.